Pedagogy Workshop and Conversation with Alicia Schmidt-Camacho
Friday, January 24, 2020 - 12:00pm to 1:30pm
Loria Center for the History of Art (LORIA), 251
190 York Street
New Haven, CT
Event description:
Alicia Schmidt-Camacho, Chair of Ethnicity, Race, and Migration and Professor of American Studies
Part of the “Pedagogy Lunch and Talk for Graduate Students” Series
This series of noontime workshops gives students a chance to hear faculty members from across the disciplines present their own analysis of the state of democracy in contemporary America, and reflect upon how their particular disciplinary methods and outlooks have outfitted them to approach the current national and world situation. Discussion will also address the pedagogical challenges and responsibilities in the classroom at times of political stress or crisis. Presentation and open discussion; lunch will be served.
Loria 251
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